A Home for Addise!

One of the goals of the Mossy Foot Project is to improve the housing for widows and single women in need. Typically this is a collaborative effort between Mossy Foot Project purchasing supplies and the local church who provides the labor.

Recently, we were able to build another home for a mossy foot patient in need, but we had to   modify our approach because of the COVID-19 pandemic to involve less people. This time, we have hired a local builder to work with a few volunteers, rather than engaging the help of the local church and community.

Our latest house has been built for Addise Anjulo and her youngest sister who live in the  near Mossy Foot Project’s Humbo clinic site. Their original home was built by their father years ago when he was still alive.

Addise is now 42 and never married. She has been a patient at the clinic since 2010. She recently told Mossy Foot Project staff how much her life has improved not only from physical treatment, but because of the emotional and spiritual support she has received.

Addise is delighted with her new, safe home. We are so grateful to our partners for making this possible for her.

Addise in front of her current home, which is in very bad condition.

Two volunteers work on Addise’s house.