News from Sharon and Krissy in Ethiopia

News from Sharon and Krissy in Ethiopia

Sharon Daly, President of the Mossy Foot Project, and her friend Krissy Rico are currently in Ethiopia encouraging staff, visiting clinics, and checking on the welfare of widows and patients. Sharon and Krissy visited this widow, raising her grandson in her new home...
The House the Village Built

The House the Village Built

Wayzay is an impoverished, elderly widow whose granddaughter lived with her in a hut that was about to fall down and did not protect them from the rain. The Mossy Foot Project, with community help from the local church, decided to combine efforts in building a new...
A New House for Tarikwa

A New House for Tarikwa

The impact of mossy foot disease is far wider than the health issue that presents such a visible need. Hundreds of women have been abandoned by their husbands as a result of the stigma associated with this disease, leaving them with no means to live and support...