Giving Thanks!

This year has been unusual and challenging for all of us, but despite the difficult circumstances, we have many reasons for giving thanks. YOU are one of those  significant reasons. We at the Mossy Foot Project are truly grateful for the outpouring of love that you have shown through your continued generous giving. Your faithful support has enabled us to treat the patients at our sixteen clinics without stopping, throughout the COVID pandemic.

Here are some other ways that your partnership has enabled us to bless the mossy foot families.

In between the weekly clinics, our site workers make home visits to the patients. This lets them identify the families that are the very poorest with the greatest needs. Deneke was a father who was in a very difficult situation, struggling to feed his family and to keep his children in school. He was absolutely delighted when we gave him two hens and a rooster. This gift will help Deneke’s family to eat and he will be able to sell eggs at the market. That will allow him to pay for his children’s schooling. Can you look at these thankful faces without smiling? 

Deneke rejoices in the gift of two hens and a rooster.

This mossy foot patient will now be able to afford school fees by selling eggs.

Education is an important key to breaking the cycle of poverty. Many of the children of mossy foot patients cannot afford school supplies, and, therefore, cannot attend school. The site workers looked for the neediest families and chose six children at each clinic, ninety-six in all, to receive school supplies. The kids could hardly contain their joy!

Our goal is to help patients become self-sustaining, valuable members of their communities. We do this through self-help loans so individuals can start businesses.

Also, we offer vocational training. Trainees are selected on the basis of strong motivation as well as extreme poverty. Currently, thirty-two young patients are being trained in hair dressing. Upon completing the course they will receive a small sum of money and basic tools to start their business. Our graduates “pay it back” through then becoming instructors themselves.

This two young women have a hopeful future…

…as they learn skills to support themselves

It is my prayer that the joy you have bestowed on our Mossy Foot patients and their families will be multiplied back to you! 

May your hearts overflow with joy this Thanksgiving.


Mossy Foot President