Sharon Daly and the Sterling College Team

Sharon Daly and the Sterling College Team

Sharon Daly, Mossy Foot President, is currently in Soddo, Ethiopia on an extended 6 week visit at the Mossy Foot Project headquarters. This visit gives Sharon an opportunity to work with and encourage staff, visit the remote clinics, and see first hand the progress on...

Ato Anjulo

This is Ato (Mr.) Anjulo’s story about how the Mossy Foot Project has helped transform his life.  I am a changed man both physically and spiritually. I was a pastor in a church when I developed mossy foot disease. As my feet swelled and large, bumpy growths appeared...
Trip Reports bring Joy

Trip Reports bring Joy

Individuals and teams recently visiting Soddo have now returned home with precious memories and lasting fruit from love poured out in service to the people of Ethiopia. Krissy Ricco, Sharon Daly’s friend and former student, returned on Oct. 22. She shared one of...
News from Sharon and Krissy in Ethiopia

News from Sharon and Krissy in Ethiopia

Sharon Daly, President of the Mossy Foot Project, and her friend Krissy Rico are currently in Ethiopia encouraging staff, visiting clinics, and checking on the welfare of widows and patients. Sharon and Krissy visited this widow, raising her grandson in her new home...
The House the Village Built

The House the Village Built

Wayzay is an impoverished, elderly widow whose granddaughter lived with her in a hut that was about to fall down and did not protect them from the rain. The Mossy Foot Project, with community help from the local church, decided to combine efforts in building a new...

Thanks for the Shoes!

Our President, Sharon Daly, is presently in Ethiopia hosting visitors as well as strengthening leadership and exercising oversight over our work at the Mossy Foot Project.  Each visit also brings the opportunity to share with those in need. The children at eight of...