Sharon Daly, President of the Mossy Foot Project, and her friend Krissy Rico are currently in Ethiopia encouraging staff, visiting clinics, and checking on the welfare of widows and patients.
Sharon and Krissy visited this widow, raising her grandson in her new home built by Mossy Foot Project and her community.
They are traveling to remote locations, and on a recent trip they experience two tire blow outs, one going out and one coming back to Soddo.
A sweet partnership exists between these two friends who already had a special relationship: Krissy was a student in the first elementary school class that Sharon taught at the beginning of her teaching career. When Krissy heard about Sharon’s planned trip, she felt moved to volunteer to join her for three of the five weeks Sharon will be in Ethiopia.
After a long day of serving, Krissy shared the thoughts below based on her experience, thoughts that should speak to all of us about the contrast between first world and third-world problem.
Thoughts from Krissy on Perspective
I was going to complain about the bed; I thought they forgot the mattress and gave me only the box springs…until I saw the bed used by a widow that looked like a wooden box with dead corn husks inside. When I asked about what looked like a piece of cloth, they told me it was outside to get the fleas off and that it was the widow’s blanket.
I was going to complain about the red clay all over my shoes…until I asked a man with Mossy Foot at the clinic where his shoes were. He told me he lost them two months ago and that he was too sick to come to the clinic until today when he came to purchase new ones.
I was going to complain about my hands…until I saw a lady who had leprosy and had no more fingers. She was also a Mossy Foot patient and desperately needed some medicine.
I was going to complain about how badly I need a pedicure…until I realized that many people have no nails on their hands and feet because of lack of protein in their diet.
I was going to complain about seeing the same food on the menu every day…until the shop owner told me not to buy cookies for the street kids because eating them would make them sick. He suggested bread and water instead.
I am learning about perspective here…how I should give thanks everyday and be grateful for all things big or small.