Recently Samaritan’s Feet International provided Mossy Foot Project with a contribution of 13,000 pairs of good quality shoes for children. We described the arrival of the shoes here.
Two weeks ago, Bruce Bodman, the Director of Logistics and Supply Chain for Samaritan’s Feet, visited Mossy Foot Project headquarters in Soddo to participate in some shoe distributions.
Bruce was very excited to be part of preventing mossy foot disease. Bruce commented:
“Wow what a visit! Mossy Foot Project is awesome!”
Bruce expressed that his organization would like to continue to partner with the Mossy Foot Project in supplying shoes for children, which is a wonderful answer to our needs. If this generation of children all wore shoes, mossy foot disease could be eliminated in rural Ethiopia. We are thankful for a caring partner who shares our vision.
Here are some pictures of the children receiving shoes.
- Distribution of Shoes
- Children after receiving shoes
- Child with New Shoes